From NYC to Asbury Park and everything in between
In 2015, I created my business Happy Belly Strong. I embarked on a whirlwind entrepreneurial journey in the heart of NYC where I hustled my booty off in the city that never sleeps. While building my strength & nutrition coaching empire, I simultaneously balanced multiple training jobs at upscale boutique gyms and pursued a full-time amateur boxing career.
I was giving my all, but it came at a steep price. Exhaustion became my constant companion, and I knew it was time for a change. My 3-year stint as an amateur boxer taught me a hard lesson – pushing my body to extremes was simply unsustainable. A super-restrictive diet left me feeling anxious, hangry, and unwell. I even lost my period twice each for almost a year. Despite how terrible I felt, people adored the way I looked. I felt like a fraud.
A pivotal moment arrived in my 30s when I became a certified sports nutritionist in the serene setting of Costa Rica. There, I learned the transformative power of healing my body by reconnecting with nature and nourishing my soul. This life-altering experience propelled me to make a bold decision – to leave NYC and embrace a new chapter that.
In 2019, I moved to Vermont to receive a certificate in sustainable farming. It was an experience that healed me in ways I couldn't have imagined. The simple joys of doing physical labor outdoors, getting a little dirty, slowing down, and savoring locally grown food reignited my sense of purpose. It was during this time that I realized strength and nutrition coaching was my true calling. No longer did I feel like a thief; I had discovered the power to heal and make a profound impact on others' lives.
Today, I call Asbury Park home, living just a stone's throw from the ocean. The invigorating energy of the sea has provided an even more expansive vista for me to heal, grow, and get stronger. I’ve helped hundreds of people achieve their strength and weight loss goals through holistic approaches.
Kettlebell Foundations Certificate | Bell Mechanics, 2022
Certificate in Sustainable Farming | University of Vermont, 2019
Sports Nutritionist | International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2018
Certified Functional Strength Coach | NASM, 2016 & CFSC, 2018
Holistic Health Coach | Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 2015